Activist Elections ~ Meet & VOTE for YOUR organizational leadership!

Start: 09/20/2021 – 7:00pm End: 09/20/2021 – 9:00pm

Participate to help ASD towards our goal to create an information, communications, education and mobilization hub in San Diego.

Join Now so you can vote and be a Member, starting at just $24 a year. Why not $5-$25 a month for the best in community activism?! Activist San Diego survives & thrives only on YOUR support! Join to become a Voting member

Ballots are now available to all voting members. If you have questions call 619-283-1100 or email

Use this FORM to Sign Up for online Board Elections.

Activist San Diego is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ASD Board Elections and Envisioning our Activist future!
Time: Sep 20, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 3459 0203

Official Ballot (Can be copied, filled out and mailed in.) This ballot is available to all voting members in the Zoom meetings (same day registration) and in an email that goes out to Voting Members only.

View candidate bios HERE

2021 ASD Board Election Rules – (From Nominations Committee)
1. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ELECTIONS: Despite the pandemic, the ASD Board of Directors elections are to be held as normal on the 3rd Monday of September 20, 2021. The election has been announced at every Community Membership meeting since June and announced in almost every communication email since June 2021.
2. QUALIFICATIONS TO RUN: Douglas McCarron to provide a list of who is member by Sept. 1 A) Board Candidate must be a $24 donor/dues paying member by Sept. 10 and B) be willing to abide by the by-laws of the org. C) Voting member must be current on dues deadline to be Sept 16th, 2021.
3. NOTIFICATION OF MEMBERS: Misty, Setche & Martin will notify member by Sept 6th. All members that they have a right to vote by email or US Mail (by Sept.19th) or vote in person on Sept 20th. Ballots to be sent out by email by Sept. 8th, 2021.
4. BALLOT COUNTING: Ballots are to be cast on-line & counted by 3 people that night and announced at the meeting at 8:30 PM. (by Sept 7th ASD Board will name the 3 people to count ___________ , ____________ , ____________ )
5. BALLOT CASTING: Sept. 20, 2021 @ 7-8:30 PM at the ASD CommUNITY Meeting at Joyce Beers Community Center. Voting in the election is by secret ballot with all ballots received before 8:30 PM.
6. CANDIDATE PRESENTATIONS: Candidates will be given EQUAL opportunity: A) post their Bio and their appeal on the ASD Website Calendar for Sept. 20 and B) To make a four minute presentation on Zoom or before the in-person membership meeting (preferred). C) As time permits before 8:30 PM: Audience can ask 1-minute questions with 2-minute responses.
7. ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Member-Signed, sealed envelope with Absentee Ballot must arrive by Sat., Sept 11th to ASD, PO Box 5631, SD 92165 by 10 AM to be collected by Douglas McCarron.
8. INTERIM APPOINTMENTS: All Interim appointments made by the Board Oct. 2020 to Aug 2021 will run for re-election/re-affirmation by the membership on Sept. 20, 21.
9. ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS: Nominations for the printed ballot will be accepted until (Sept 8th). Contact
10. CANDIDATE NOTIFICATIONS: Those running will be given the “ASD Board Job Description”, the “Code of Conduct”, the ASD By-Laws, “Conflict of Interest Policy” and the rules for meeting attendance and contributing. Candidates will sign and commit to uphold the above mentioned policies in their written election statements.
11. CANDIDATE STATEMENTS: Board Candidates are required to provide their bio and summation of answers to the following questions: A) Your past association or participation in ASD & KNSJ and other activist orgs? B) What is your vision for ASD & KNSJ? C) Why are you running and what will be your time commitment/level of participation in ASD & KNSJ? D) What resources and funds are you pledging to attract to ASD & KNSJ? Maximum length for ASD printing: To fit on 2 sides of 8.5 x 11 paper w/ Bios due by Sept 6, 2021 & sent to for Web access to statements.
12. NUMBER OF OPEN SEATS: Number of Board of Directors for 2021-22 in this election cycle will be open to 11 new members in addition to the 2 existing Board members who will serve another year.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Election Roster to be determined upon receipt of the applications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
• Continue on the Board: Ran for 2020-2022 Board: Ajara Boulibekova & Yusef Miller
• Elected thru Sept 2021 and running for another term: Setche Kwamu-Nana, Casey Hickenbottom
• Board members not serving another term: Josie Caballero and Martin Eder
• Confirm Interim Appointments: Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla, Valentin Ramirez
• Potential Candidates for 2021-2023: Elise Dearborn, Amal Jubran, Estela Jimenez, Olga Cortez, Sergio Hernandez, Walter Davis and…Jay Jayakumar (not running, in reserve for emergencies)
• Affirmed by the ASD Board on August ____, 2021

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